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Man delivers his job application with a pizza and note, CEO says this

In today’s competitive job market, people constantly strive to find new ways to stand out from the crowd. They use different techniques such as adding eye-catching visuals to resumes, creating interactive digital portfolios or designing personalised websites to display their work. However, one job seeker took this to a whole new level. He delivered his job application along with a pizza at the company’s office to secure an interview. The CEO of the New York-based startup Antimetal, Matthew Parkhurst, shared a post about this applicant that left him impressed.
“Another internship application – came to our office and dropped off a pizza with his resume,” wrote Matt on X.
He added, “Even pushed a PR to fix two links in our docs prior.”
Matt was so impressed with the way the job applicant dropped off his application that he said he would be “100% getting an interview.”
The neatly written job application reads, “Hey, Antimetal team. Congrats on the recent launch! Inspired by Antimetal’s brief stint as a slices as a service company, please enjoy this pizza. I’ve also brought a copy of my resume for the engineering intern position. I am super excited by the opportunity and am driven to do what it takes.”
The job applicant, David, expressed that pizza is “basically a bribe” for the hiring team to check out his work by visiting his website. He further added that he had made a “small PR to fix some links in the company’s docs”.

The post, since being shared on May 1, has collected over 2.9 lakh views and the numbers are still increasing. Many even took to the comments section to express their thoughts.
“Nah this is not an interview this is an automatic job offer,” posted an individual. To this, the CEO replied, “There’s more to filter than just effort.”
Another expressed, “I’m more impressed that he made sure to make his letter very clear and readable.”
“Great marketing and good handwriting over typed document for that ultimate touch,” wrote a third.
A fourth commented, “He seems overqualified.”
“Really cool!” shared a fifth.
